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Increase Productivity

Enter and check data once

Automatically create other documents e.g. Asset Registers, PPM Maintenance Schedules, Literature Summaries, Risk Registers.
Export and link data to 3D BIM models, CAFM systems.
COBie create, validate and export as standard.
EDocuments also provide data management, O&M production and modelling services.

Managing data effectively is essential

As a project manager, managing data effectively is essential for increasing productivity and driving successful outcomes. Whether you are working on construction projects or content management tasks, having the right data at your fingertips can make all the difference in terms of success.

Producing Technical documents can be time consuming as it typically requires the collaboration of a large group of individuals with often varying abilities. Plus technical standards can be complex and require a fair amount of understanding.

EDocs help you to organise data into industry recognised templates and standards. Streamline workflows, reviews, and approvals with all data manged online. Time consuming manual processes are automated, such as moving data between common data environments (CDE’s), and exporting data specifically for other systems such as FM and COBie.


Works with the tools and software you’re already using

Automate processes ... Data connectors built in as standard into EDocuments platform allow you to sync you data to and from a range of CDE’s saving countless hours.
If required complex filters and queries can be added to the sync connectors so that you just move the exact data your project requires.

Streamline the data process

When it comes to content management, using a reliable software system can be very helpful in streamlining the data process. A good content management system can help you store files securely and keep track of changes, making it easier to access the right information quickly. Additionally, having a search function available can help you locate specific items quickly and efficiently.

Data should be organised

The key to efficient data management is understanding that data should be organised in an easy-to-access way. This means organizing your data into categories, so you can quickly find what you need. Additionally, having access to a streamlined workflow system can help ensure that all the necessary information is accessible and up to date at any given time.

EDocs help you to maintain data-standards.