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Supporting Sir Robert McAlpine to deliver new standards in quality and consistency.

Leading software provider Edocuments is supporting Sir Robert McAlpine, (SRM) one of the country’s top construction and engineering companies, deliver and set new standards in consistency and quality across dozens of different projects across the UK.

As part of an ongoing Enterprise agreement, Edocuments have so far collaborated on both live projects and a legacy programme for transferring projects housed in multiple locations into the Edocuments solution for one single source of truth, helping SRM control its global compliance, assurance, and scalability for all its handover documentation.

Most importantly, the Edocuments software, allows SRM to look in detail at every aspect of each project, helping to identify potential problems and issues. This gives SRM access to useful insights and analytics that are generated by every project, combined with live tracking and status reports.

“We have worked with Sir Robert McAlpine since 2019,” said Technical Director Jamie Dupée. “Initially we collaborated on one off projects with SRM but after undertaking a thorough Tender process run by the organisation we successfully won and signed an Enterprise agreement in 2019 to be the default platform of choice for all projects across SRM. To date we have over 60 projects in the Edocuments platform. 

“Our software provides them with very high levels of detail and information which helps to ensure compliance and consistency across the whole group.”

In technical terms the partnership has allowed SRM to adopt a data strategy which integrates the data from Edocuments API’s. These are combined with SRM’s own internal business management platform data to build bespoke reporting in Microsoft Power BI - Modern Data Visuals.

This reporting further enables SRM to gain additional insights and the ability to simplify management processes for the production and handover of digital O&M documentation. In addition, the platform is aiding SRM in facilitating legislation requirements such as the Build safety act and the digital evidencing required that the business would need to future proof and satisfy regulations moving forward.

Edocuments are specialists in effective data management, which is intrinsic to the built environment of today and tomorrow. With over 20 years’ experience, Edocuments offers intelligent solutions to help the built environment manage data and ensure clients maximise the value of their information. 

Using its BIM expertise, Edocuments delivers information using knowledge and technology to increase accuracy, and maximise cost savings through process-driven data management. Edocuments’ expertise also enables accurate and consistent handover information in every instance to meet or exceed requirements.

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